| Boyack Christiansen Legal Solutions

Yearly Archives: 2019

Bullying and Hazing are Unacceptable

I have recently been helping a client deal with a hazing incident where one of his kids was involved. He made the decision to do the right thing and come forward with the information, even though it would cause difficulty for both himself and his daughter.


Please Review Your Estate Plan

Congratulations! You have an estate plan. You are done. You have a nice, new, shiny binder full of paperwork that you may or may not understand. You, or your attorney, have sent deeds off to the various County recorders’ office to change title.  You have even gone down to the


Special Needs Trust Basics

Special needs trusts are designed to allow individuals with special needs to qualify or maintain “needs-based” government benefits such as Medicaid and supplemental security income.


Understanding Estate Planning

When it comes to doing estate planning it is always critical that you talk with an attorney to make a good trust choice. We offer a consultation. We know that there are a lot of online resources that you can use. However,

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